本文共 11662 字,大约阅读时间需要 38 分钟。
package com.oyp.demo;import android.os.Bundle;import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;import android.util.Log;import android.widget.ImageView;import android.widget.TextView;public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { private static final String TAG = MainActivity.class.getSimpleName(); private ImageView mImageView; private ImageView mipmapImageView; private TextView mTextView; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); //获取布局文件资源的ID int layoutId = getResources().getIdentifier("activity_main", "layout", getPackageName()); Log.d(TAG, "----> 获取到的图片资源 drawableId= " + layoutId); //获取图片资源的ID mImageView = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.imageView); int drawableId = getResources().getIdentifier("oyp", "drawable", getPackageName()); mImageView.setImageResource(drawableId); Log.d(TAG, "----> 获取到的图片资源 drawableId=" + drawableId); mipmapImageView = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.mipmapImageView); int mipmapId = getResources().getIdentifier("ic_launcher", "mipmap", getPackageName()); mipmapImageView.setImageResource(mipmapId); Log.d(TAG, "----> 获取到的图片资源 mipmapId=" + mipmapId); //获取字符串资源 mTextView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView); int stringId = getResources().getIdentifier("author", "string", getPackageName()); mTextView.setText(stringId); Log.d(TAG, "----> 获取到的字符串资源 stringId=" + stringId); }}
Demo 利用getIdentifier()方法获取资源ID 欧阳鹏 http://blog.csdn.net/ouyang_peng
11-24 22:15:02.471 12023-12023/com.oyp.demo D/MainActivity: ----> 获取到的图片资源 drawableId= 213096860111-24 22:15:02.476 12023-12023/com.oyp.demo D/MainActivity: ----> 获取到的图片资源 drawableId=213083757911-24 22:15:02.477 12023-12023/com.oyp.demo D/MainActivity: ----> 获取到的图片资源 mipmapId=213090304011-24 22:15:02.477 12023-12023/com.oyp.demo D/MainActivity: ----> 获取到的字符串资源 stringId=2131099669
我们打开编译好后的 com.oyp.demo.R文件
首先来看看activity_main这个layout的id是不是和我们打印出来的一样是2130968601,如下图所示,在 com.oyp.demo.R文件中,activity_main的值确实是2130968601
public static final class layout { ...... public static final int abc_screen_simple = 2130968595; public static final int abc_screen_simple_overlay_action_mode = 2130968596; public static final int abc_screen_toolbar = 2130968597; public static final int abc_search_dropdown_item_icons_2line = 2130968598; public static final int abc_search_view = 2130968599; public static final int abc_select_dialog_material = 2130968600; public static final int activity_main = 2130968601; public static final int notification_media_action = 2130968602; public static final int notification_media_cancel_action = 2130968603; public static final int notification_template_big_media = 2130968604; public static final int notification_template_big_media_narrow = 2130968605; ...... public layout() { } }
drawable类型的图片 ic_launcher 的资源id 为 2130903040
public static final class mipmap { public static final int ic_launcher = 2130903040; public mipmap() { } }
drawable类型的图片 oyp 资源id为 2130837579
public static final class drawable { ...... public static final int abc_textfield_search_material = 2130837578; public static final int notification_template_icon_bg = 2130837580; public static final int oyp = 2130837579; public drawable() { } }
String类型的资源author id为 2131099669
public static final class string { ...... public static final int app_name = 2131099668; public static final int author = 2131099669; public static final int status_bar_notification_info_overflow = 2131099667; public static final int title = 2131099670; public string() { } }
/** * Return a resource identifier for the given resource name. A fully * qualified resource name is of the form "package:type/entry". The first * two components (package and type) are optional if defType and * defPackage, respectively, are specified here. * *Note: use of this function is discouraged. It is much more * efficient to retrieve resources by identifier than by name. * * @param name The name of the desired resource. * @param defType Optional default resource type to find, if "type/" is * not included in the name. Can be null to require an * explicit type. * @param defPackage Optional default package to find, if "package:" is * not included in the name. Can be null to require an * explicit package. * * @return int The associated resource identifier. Returns 0 if no such * resource was found. (0 is not a valid resource ID.) */ public int getIdentifier(String name, String defType, String defPackage) { if (name == null) { throw new NullPointerException("name is null"); } try { return Integer.parseInt(name); } catch (Exception e) { // Ignore } return mAssets.getResourceIdentifier(name, defType, defPackage); }
package com.oyp.demo;import android.content.Context;/** * 工具类,可以通过资源名来获取资源id * * 欧阳鹏博客 */public class ResourceUtil { public static int getId(Context context, String resourceName) { return getIdentifierByType(context, resourceName, "id"); } public static int getLayoutId(Context context, String resourceName) { return getIdentifierByType(context, resourceName, "layout"); } public static int getStringId(Context context, String resourceName) { return getIdentifierByType(context, resourceName, "string"); } public static int getDrawableId(Context context, String resourceName) { return getIdentifierByType(context, resourceName, "drawable"); } public static int getMipmapId(Context context, String resourceName) { return getIdentifierByType(context, resourceName, "mipmap"); } public static int getColorId(Context context, String resourceName) { return getIdentifierByType(context, resourceName, "color"); } public static int getDimenId(Context context, String resourceName) { return getIdentifierByType(context, resourceName, "dimen"); } public static int getAttrId(Context context, String resourceName) { return getIdentifierByType(context, resourceName, "attr"); } public static int getStyleId(Context context, String resourceName) { return getIdentifierByType(context, resourceName, "style"); } public static int getAnimId(Context context, String resourceName) { return getIdentifierByType(context, resourceName, "anim"); } public static int getArrayId(Context context, String resourceName) { return getIdentifierByType(context, resourceName, "array"); } public static int getIntegerId(Context context, String resourceName) { return getIdentifierByType(context, resourceName, "integer"); } public static int getBoolId(Context context, String resourceName) { return getIdentifierByType(context, resourceName, "bool"); } private static int getIdentifierByType(Context context, String resourceName, String defType) { return context.getResources().getIdentifier(resourceName, defType, context.getPackageName()); }}
package com.oyp.demo;import android.os.Bundle;import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;import android.util.Log;import android.widget.ImageView;import android.widget.TextView;public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { private static final String TAG = MainActivity.class.getSimpleName(); private ImageView mImageView; private ImageView mipmapImageView; private TextView mTextView; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); //获取布局文件资源的ID// int layoutId = getResources().getIdentifier("activity_main", "layout", getPackageName()); int layoutId = ResourceUtil.getLayoutId(this, "activity_main"); Log.d(TAG, "----> 获取到的布局文件资源 drawableId= " + layoutId); //获取图片资源的ID mImageView = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.imageView);// int drawableId = getResources().getIdentifier("oyp", "drawable", getPackageName()); int drawableId = ResourceUtil.getDrawableId(this, "oyp"); mImageView.setImageResource(drawableId); Log.d(TAG, "----> 获取到的图片资源 drawableId=" + drawableId); mipmapImageView = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.mipmapImageView);// int mipmapId = getResources().getIdentifier("ic_launcher", "mipmap", getPackageName()); int mipmapId = ResourceUtil.getMipmapId(this, "ic_launcher"); mipmapImageView.setImageResource(mipmapId); Log.d(TAG, "----> 获取到的图片资源 mipmapId=" + mipmapId); //获取字符串资源 mTextView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView);// int stringId = getResources().getIdentifier("author", "string", getPackageName()); int stringId = ResourceUtil.getStringId(this, "author"); mTextView.setText(stringId); Log.d(TAG, "----> 获取到的字符串资源 stringId=" + stringId); int colorId = ResourceUtil.getColorId(this , "colorPrimary"); Log.d(TAG, "----> 获取到的颜色资源 colorId=" + colorId); int dimenId = ResourceUtil.getDimenId(this , "abc_dialog_min_width_major"); Log.d(TAG, "----> 获取到的颜色资源 dimenId=" + dimenId); int integerId = ResourceUtil.getIntegerId(this , "abc_config_activityDefaultDur"); Log.d(TAG, "----> 获取到的integer资源 integerId=" + integerId); int boolId = ResourceUtil.getBoolId(this , "abc_allow_stacked_button_bar"); Log.d(TAG, "----> 获取到的bool资源 boolId=" + boolId); int attrId = ResourceUtil.getAttrId(this , "actionBarDivider"); Log.d(TAG, "----> 获取到的attr资源 attrId=" + attrId); }}
11-24 23:44:16.911 8543-8543/com.oyp.demo D/MainActivity: ----> 获取到的布局文件资源 drawableId= 213096860111-24 23:44:16.916 8543-8543/com.oyp.demo D/MainActivity: ----> 获取到的图片资源 drawableId=213083757911-24 23:44:16.918 8543-8543/com.oyp.demo D/MainActivity: ----> 获取到的图片资源 mipmapId=213090304011-24 23:44:16.918 8543-8543/com.oyp.demo D/MainActivity: ----> 获取到的字符串资源 stringId=213109966911-24 23:44:16.918 8543-8543/com.oyp.demo D/MainActivity: ----> 获取到的颜色资源 colorId=213142734711-24 23:44:16.918 8543-8543/com.oyp.demo D/MainActivity: ----> 获取到的颜色资源 dimenId=213123073011-24 23:44:16.918 8543-8543/com.oyp.demo D/MainActivity: ----> 获取到的integer资源 integerId=213136179311-24 23:44:16.918 8543-8543/com.oyp.demo D/MainActivity: ----> 获取到的bool资源 boolId=213116518411-24 23:44:16.918 8543-8543/com.oyp.demo D/MainActivity: ----> 获取到的attr资源 attrId=2130772027
作者:欧阳鹏 欢迎转载,与人分享是进步的源泉!